The Illumina NextSeq 1000 Sequencing System supports a broad range of methods such as small whole-genome sequencing, transcriptome sequencing, single-cell profiling, exome sequencing, shotgun metagenomic sequencing, target enrichment, and more. With an output of 400-500 million single reads (40-120 Gb) per run and a max read-length of 2 x 300 bp, the NextSeq 1000 is suitable for most mid-throughput sequencing applications. To take full advantage of higher density P2 flow cells, the NextSeq 1000 features a novel super resolution optics system that yields highly accurate imaging data with greater resolution and higher sensitivity. DRAGEN ORA (original read archive) lossless genomic compression is available on-instrument allowing for 6x faster secondary analysis and decreased data storage requirements. The NextSeq 1000 overs improved %Q30 over the MiSeq especially for longer reads.

The 10X Genomics Chromium Controller uses advanced microfluidics to perform single cell partitioning and barcoding in a matter of minutes. Powered by Next GEM technology, the Chromium Controller enables integrated analysis of single cells (fixed, fresh, frozen samples, as well as whole cells and nuclei) at massive scale. The suite of Chromium Single Cell products can capture molecular readouts of cell activity in multiple dimensions, including gene expression, cell surface proteins, immune clonotype, antigen specificity, and chromatin accessibility. The key to this technology is its ability to generate tens of thousands of single cell partitions, each containing an identifying barcode for downstream analysis. The Chromium Controller offers efficient partitioning of 500–80,000+ cells per chip with low doublet rate and superior cell capture rate in a compact size. Intuitively analyze data for free with the Loupe Browser, a powerful visualization software, and with Cell Ranger analysis pipelines.

The epMotion 5075t liquid handling robot is a highly flexible system that significantly increases throughput and consistency of results for Next Generation Sequencing sample preparation. The automation of labor-intensive steps in NGS sample prep, like pipetting, mixing, temperature control and magnetic separation brings about a standardized and streamlined process, with significantly reduced hands-on time and minimization of human errors. Additionally, the integrated ThermoMixer module combines consistant mixing performance with excellent temperature control to guarantee complete, dependable, and reproducible assay results.

The Agilent 4150 Tapestation is an automated electrophoresis system that allows a quick, easy, and reliable analysis of nucleic acids for up to 16 samples per run. The Tapestation will be primarily used for quality control of RNA and DNA samples in library preparation and qPCR workflows.

The LightCycler 96 Instrument is a real-time PCR system for rapid cycling up to 96 samples. Applications include absolute and relative quantitation, melting curve analysis, and endpoint genotyping. Precise instrument thermal homogeneity and cycling speed produce accurate and reproducible results in a very short time. The LightCycler 96 will be used for library quantification prior to sequencing to ensure accurate sample pooling and to optimize loading of samples onto the Illumina NextSeq 1000 flow cells.